️ For sale GE P/N 5174169-51 ID#1980964 - GE MRI, 16-channel RRX, Part No. 5174169, 5174169-51
Mothers and children together constitute 60% of the population and the reproductive and child health problems constitute a significant part of the morbidity and mortality in the community. Almost all this mortality happens in the tertiary care centres and if we upkeep the facilities we can bring down the preventable mortality.
Preventive, Promotive and Curative Child Care, Comprehensive Education and quality Research Values, Quality Patient Care, & Patient Satisfaction, Excellence in Teaching, Leadership in innovation.
SAT Mix- RUTF for Malnutrition, ELIZ Mix (Gluten free)- RUTF for Malnutrition, ELIZ Health Paths- Three in one weight- height& BMI Charts, ELIZ solutions, IMPACT- IAP Tool for Malnutrition, ELIZ Modified IMPACT- A Tool for Undernutrition & Obesity- The Dual Burden of Malnutrition.