2214527-4 Jedi YMS Hispeed tank for GE is available in stock for purchase with used and tested condition. Secure packing, worldwide shipping, ...

Within the next few years, the Bakersfield area of California may well lay claim to the cogeneration capital of the world - provided the California Energy Commission (CEC) approves proposals for two different facilities each of which reportedly would be much larger than any known fossil-fired cogeneration plant in existence. Getty Oil of Los Angeles, Calif. and Shell Oil of Houston, Texas have asked for CEC approval of proposals to build these plants. One would be gas turbine powered and the other steam turbine powered. Getty Oil proposes to build a 300-MW natural gas fired gas turbine facility with waste heat-recovery boilers to generate injection steam. Gas turbines are to be equipped with water or steam injection for NO/sub x/ control. Installed cost of the complete plant is estimated at around 250 million dollars. Shell Oil proposes to build an 800-MW coal-fired steam turbine facility with heat exchangers to generate steam for oil field injection. Installed cost is estimated at around 2 billion dollars. At this writing the Getty facility seems certain to gain CEC approval essentially in its present form.

Helios QA Phantom / Water fantom 2206352 GE, LIghtspeed ultra 8. Tested Medical Equipment Spare Parts for Sale, Worldwide Shipping. LIghtspeed ultra 8 Spare ...

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Used GE P/N 5138526-2 MRI part. FOR SALE. Condition: Used ... MRI parts. Posted. 13.09.2024. Views. 30. Product Description. Driver Module-Lite.

VCT SIGNAL INTERFACE BOARD 5128204 by GE Healthcare.

亓桂贤 , 李海燕 , 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 , 동북아법연구 , 2024, vol.18, no.1, pp. 197-220

亓桂贤 , 李海燕 , 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 , 동북아법연구 , 2024, vol.18, no.1, pp. 197-220

2001년에 중국에 도입된 사외이사제도는 중국 상장회사의 지배구조에 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 2019년에 개정된 <증권법>에는 ‘증권분쟁 특별대표자 소송제도'가신설되어 증권분쟁사건에 관한 소송실천에서 피고의 종류가 증가되었다. 강미약품사건 당시 5명의 사외이사들도 피고로 기소되어 일정한 비례범위 내에서 3억 6900만위안의 거액의 배상에 직면하게 되었다. 이는 당시 중국 사외이사들의 사직열풍을 불러일으켰다. 회사에서 겸직하고 있는 사외이사로서 허위진술 분쟁에 직면했을 경우 어떻게 책임을 져야 하는지? 어떤 책임을 져야 하는지? 책임을 져야 하는 근거와 출처는 무엇인지? 이러한 문제는 다시 중국 학술계와 사법계의 중시를 불러일으키고 있다. 2023년 7월, 중국 증권 감독 관리위원회는 <상장회사의 사외이사제도를 개혁할데 관한 의견>을 실시하기 위하여 <상장회사의 사외이사 관리방법>을 공포하였다. 같은 해 12 월말, 전국 인민대표대회 상무위원회에서 심의 채택한 <회사법>은 사외이사제도를 진일보 보완하긴 하였지만 주로는 중소 투자자의 이익을 수호하기 위해 이사 등의 책임을 강화하였다. 새로운 <회사법>과 <상장회사의 사외이사 관리방법>의 최신 규정에 근거하여 강미약품 사건을 분석하여 보면 이사회의 구성인원으로서의 사외이사는 마땅히 회사에 대한 주의의무를 게을리하지 말아야 하며 증권 허위진술 행위에 대해서도 책임을 져야 한다. 강미약품사건이 사외이사의 사직열풍을 불러일으킨 것은 바로 사외이사의 책임을 추궁함에 있어서 중국에는 아직도 일련의 문제가 존재하기 때문이다. 우선, 사외이사의 책임에 대한 명확한 법 규정이 결핍하여 사법실천 가운데서 법관의 자유재량권이 확대되면서 부동한 재판 기준 및 재판 결과를 초래하고 있다. 둘째, 주의의무 기준이 명확하지 못하고 사외이사가 지는 책임이 너무 크다. 그리고 사외이사에게 어떤 형태의 민사적 배상책임을 지우게 할지가 학술계에 아직 쟁의로 남아있다. 이외에도 사외이사 책임에 관하여 중국에서는 구체적인 감면 사유와 그에 상응한 메커니즘이 구축되지 못하고 있다. 사외이사제도는 미국, 일본, 한국 등 나라에서 광범위하게 응용 발전되었으며 실천 가운데서 얻은 경험은 중국 회사의 지배구조에 일정한 참고적 가치가 있다. 우선, 사외이사의 선임 절차를 최적화해 사외이사의 ‘독립성'을 확보함으로써 사외이사의 책임을 명확히 하도록 한다. 둘째, 차별화된 보수제도와 배상액 상한 제도를 실시함으로써 사외이사가 자신의 주의의무를 착실히 이행하도록 독촉하고 경영판단규칙을도입하여 ‘주의의무” 기준을 보완해야 한다. 셋째, 이사 책임 보험 제도를 충분히 이용하여 정관의 형식으로 사전에 사외이사를 위하여 책임감면 메커니즘을 설정하여 사외이사의 직무 이행을 보장해 주어야 한다.

2024, vol.18, no.1, pp. 197-220 (24 pages)

@article{ART003086912,author={亓桂贤 and 李海燕},title={中国独立董事的责任承担再探讨- 以“康美药业”虚假陈述纠纷为 -},journal={동북아법연구},issn={1976-5037},year={2024},volume={18},number={1},pages={197-220}}

亓桂贤 , 李海燕 외 0명 , 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 , 동북아법연구 , 2024, vol.18, no.1, pp. 197-220

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P/N 2145832. Brand. GE. Category. CT scanner parts. Posted. 20.10.2024. Views. 7. Product Description. HEMRC INTERFACE BOARD Please contact for pricing and ...

Since its introduction in 2001, the independent director system has played an essential role in corporate governance. However, the Kangmei Pharmaceuticals case ruled that independent directors were liable for huge compensation totaling 369 million yuan within a specific range, leading to a rise in the resignation rate of independent directors. As an independent director, how do you assume responsibility in the face of false statement disputes? What kind of responsibility? What is the precise foundation and source of responsibility? In fact, the Judicial Interpretation of False Statements prior to the 2022 , because of the existence of a predicate proceeding for commencing a civil action, there have been very few cases in which independent directors have been held liable for civil liabilities, and when there have been cases, they have gone unnoticed because of the small amount of compensation for which they have been held liable.The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the State Council have successively issued The Rules for the Implementation of the System of Independent Directors of Listed Companies and the Opinions on the Reform of the System of Independent Directors of Listed Companies, which have been issued successively, are mostly aimed at safeguarding the interests of small and medium-sized investors.July 2023, the State Council introduced the Directors' Measures for the Administration of Independent Directors of Listed Companies. In December of the same year, the NPC Standing Committee passed the new Company Law,which also aims to protect the interests of small and medium investors,enhance the accountability of directors and regulators,and play a modest role in the institution of independent directors and their responsibilities. Based on an extensive survey of relevant overseas systems, independent directors play an essential role in corporate governance and can apply to proportional joint and liability. However, some challenges, such as unclear boundaries of responsibility, unclear standards of diligence and responsibility, and lack of responsibility reduction and remission mechanisms, aggravate the burden of responsibility of the five independent directors of Kangmei Pharmaceutical. In this regard, the optimization path is put forward, such as clarifying the responsibility boundary of independent directors, refining the recognition standard of diligence and responsibility, and constructing the corresponding responsibility reduction and remission mechanism. Strives to protect investor rights and interests, improve corporate governance, promote the growth of the capital market, and encourage the development of the independent director system.

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TY - JOURAU - 亓桂贤AU - 李海燕TI - 中国独立董事的责任承担再探讨- 以“康美药业”虚假陈述纠纷为 -T2 - 동북아법연구JO - 동북아법연구PY - 2024VL - 18IS - 1PB - 동북아법연구소SP - 197EP - 220SN - 1976-5037AB - Since its introduction in 2001, the independent director system has played an essential role in corporate governance. However, the Kangmei Pharmaceuticals case ruled that independent directors were liable for huge compensation totaling 369 million yuan within a specific range, leading to a rise in the resignation rate of independent directors. As an independent director, how do you assume responsibility in the face of false statement disputes? What kind of responsibility? What is the precise foundation and source of responsibility? In fact, the Judicial Interpretation of False Statements prior to the 2022 , because of the existence of a predicate proceeding for commencing a civil action, there have been very few cases in which independent directors have been held liable for civil liabilities, and when there have been cases, they have gone unnoticed because of the small amount of compensation for which they have been held liable.The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the State Council have successively issued The Rules for the Implementation of the System of Independent Directors of Listed Companies and the Opinions on the Reform of the System of Independent Directors of Listed Companies, which have been issued successively, are mostly aimed at safeguarding the interests of small and medium-sized investors.July 2023, the State Council introduced the Directors' Measures for the Administration of Independent Directors of Listed Companies. In December of the same year, the NPC Standing Committee passed the new Company Law,which also aims to protect the interests of small and medium investors,enhance the accountability of directors and regulators,and play a modest role in the institution of independent directors and their responsibilities. Based on an extensive survey of relevant overseas systems, independent directors play an essential role in corporate governance and can apply to proportional joint and liability. However, some challenges, such as unclear boundaries of responsibility, unclear standards of diligence and responsibility, and lack of responsibility reduction and remission mechanisms, aggravate the burden of responsibility of the five independent directors of Kangmei Pharmaceutical. In this regard, the optimization path is put forward, such as clarifying the responsibility boundary of independent directors, refining the recognition standard of diligence and responsibility, and constructing the corresponding responsibility reduction and remission mechanism. Strives to protect investor rights and interests, improve corporate governance, promote the growth of the capital market, and encourage the development of the independent director system.KW - False statement, Independent director, New Company Law, Kangmei Pharmaceutical, Proportion, joint liabilityDO - UR - ER -

独立董事制度, 自2001年引入以来在中国上市公司治理层面起了重要作用。 然而康美药业案判 决五位时任的独立董事在一定比例范围内承担共计3.69亿元的巨额赔偿, 引发中国独立董事的辞 职热潮。 作为兼职的独立董事, 面对虚假陈述纠纷, 应如何承担责任?承担何种责任?承担责任的依 据和来源究竟是什么?事实上, 2022年修改之前的《虚假陈述司法解释》因存在提起民事诉讼的前置 程序, 要求独立董事承担民事责任的案件极为少数, 即便是有也都因为承担责任的赔偿额较少而未 被关注。 中国证监会、 国务院先后出台的《上市公司独立董事规则》(简称《独董规则》)、 《关于上市公 司独立董事制度改革的意见》(简称《意见》)多是维护中小投资者利益。 2023年7月, 中国证监会为落 实《意见》的实施, 公布了《上市公司独立董事管理办法》(简称《独董办法》)对独立董事制度进行了优 化 ; 同年12月底, 全国人大常委会审议通过的《中华人民共和国公司法》(简称新《公司法》)也旨在维 护中小投资者利益, 强化了董监高责任, 对独立董事制度及责任承担问题起到的作用并不明显。 基于新《公司法》及《独董办法》的最新规定, 在深入探讨康美药业中独立董事的承担责任问题 时, 指出作为董事会成员的独立董事理应勤勉尽责, 对证券虚假陈述纠纷承担责任。 受2019年《证券 法》新增特别代表人诉讼制度影响, 康美药业案中的五位独立董事被列为被告, 导致其面临3.69亿 元的巨额赔偿, 将这半句话删除。 出于对独立董事自身利益的考量, 法院在司法过程中会综合考量 独立董事的职责特点, 对独立董事责任和内部董事责任予以区分。 但因立法层面缺乏对独立董事责 任的具体规定, 导致了不同的裁判标准和结果。 而康美药业案发后, 出现大量独立董事辞职的现象, 也恰好反映了中国独立董事在责任承担层面所面临的一系列困境 : 首先, 由于缺乏明确的法律法 规对独立董事责任进行界定, 司法过程中法官的自由裁量权得以扩大, 从而导致不同的裁判标准及判决结果。 其次, 勤勉尽责的标准未予明确, 独立董事承担责任过重, 而学术界对于独立董事适用 何种形态的民事赔偿责任尚存争议, 此外, 中国的独立董事制度还缺乏相应的责任减免机制。 独立董事制度在美国、 日本和韩国等国家的将“适用过程”修改为“实践过程”程中得到了广泛的 应用和发展, 其在实践中的经验对中国公司治理具有一定的借鉴意义。 首先, 在处理独立董事责任 边界不清时, 可充分发挥上市公司独立董事委员会的作用, 通过优化独立董事的选任程序, 确保独 立董事的“独立性”。 不仅如此, 还应将监督职责将“列位”修改为“规定为”独立董事的核心职责以明确 独立董事的职责定位。 其次, 在处理勤勉尽责认定标准不明的问题上, 应摒弃“签字即罚”的思维模 式, 通过设立差异化的薪酬和赔偿额上限来敦促独立董事勤勉尽责, 此外, 为避免独立董事自证难 的问题, 还应完善独立董事“勤勉尽责”的认定标准。 最后, 在处理独立董事责任减免机制的问题时, 除充分发挥董事责任保险的作用外, 还应通过公司章程的形式为独立董事设定事前的责任减免机 制, 并在公司内部设立独立董事补偿制度, 通过制定合适的补偿措施, 为独立董事提供履职保障。

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